Starr Luteri 29 months ago
After 20 years, we still love Food City on Dysart.
Especially now, when we're all aghast at food prices, Food City continues to provide affordable produce, meat, and bakery products. Very welcoming to those of us who might be unfamiliar with Mexican products, with staff always ready to help.
(and they have never questioned my Service Dog!)
Hints for New Customers:
If you haven't been before, focus on the produce.
Items are not cosmetically perfect; apples and pears will have bruises, but the price makes up for the imperfections. Loose potatoes and sweet potatoes will have odd shapes and sizes, and there will be Mexican produce you may not have seen before such as jicama and nopales, and every imaginable pepper variety.
... Employees stocking produce might not be bilingual, but all the managers and check-out clerks can assist.
Then plan on shopping the perimeter of the store.
--- bulk rice, dried beans from open bins
--- Mexican Coca-Cola and other sodas
--- dried herbs and seasonings in envelops and large containers
--- many different cuts of meats, soup bones, organ and variety meats not available elsewhere, plus butchers to cut custom orders.
Admitted, we usually pass up the aisles, unless I specifically need raw sugar or canned frijoles.
But don't miss the Bakery! Fresh in-store tortillas, tres-leche cake, conchas, etc.
On the weekends, a Mariachi group might be providing music, or, like he did yesterday, Gen Manager Sam might call on everyone in the store to wish Happy Birthday to a customer's child!