Toni Evans (BamaChic) 30 months ago
I'd Like to Edit Previous Review due to the fact this Subway goes through alot of employees.Most don't care just do what's needed 2make the hours pass but then there's some that take pride in Their jobs,Do a great job creating Subs,Prepin food, Greeting Customer&Running Cash Register;All While Providing Great Customer Service.I know 1st hand from Working close w/restraunts& retail store's recently, there's a huge shortage of Employees willin 2work, whom take Pride in Their Work,do their job 2the Best of Their Ability. Treat Customers Well,Go 2wrk&leave Any&All problems,trouble's,Bad Attitude's at home.Those who aren't workin at This Time,Are gettin hired workin a few days,quits&starts another.(b/c they know they can due 2just a High Demand 4worker)The thing that bothers me most is when ppl are Always eating out,Then complainin about the service they received&sometimes w/good cause (we are all human&make mistakes at times)Some take it 2extremes,causin a fuss,ppl's feelings get Hurt,some Totally Embarrass The 1-2 wrkers&or make them feel Not worthy causing a longer wait time 2fill order.While you're complaining that your food isn't ready, isn't prepared as ask,Try taking a couple deep breaths, communicate w/them so they can correct the problem&or take&fill your order elsewhere, Definitely B4 SHOWIN OUT,GETTIN RUDE,SAYIN HURTFUL THINGS&OR B4 U START TRYIN 2MAKE SOME1 ELSE LOOK BAD OR CALL THEM OUT ON A MISTAKE;
PLZ,STOP&THINK THEY COULD B AT HOME LIKE ALL THE OTHER LAZY, BUMS THAT ARE or HAVE BEEN LIVIN OFF Government payments,Welfare &free assistance,ect.Since Pandemic hit.,instead of at wrk w/fixing u food 2eat&doin their Job,while Rude Strangers talk dwn 2them,Complain &Act Ungrateful 2the Few Dedicated workers,who are trying 2 run a business by themselves (1 or more restaurant lately I've seen literally 1-3 Employees Only Workin but b/c of their dedication 2job,their dedication 2U,Their Family or what ever makes them show up,Greet U w/ Smile,&I for 1 am very Thankful& Appreciative 4All Workers;such as like This Young Man here.He works Store alone most time w/lil or No help,He's Professional,He doesn't complain 2Customers,So b4 U Think about Disrespecting him,or complain about how he fixes your sandwich, HOW ABOUT THANKING HIM 4BEIN OPEN SO THOSE WHO NEED 2GRAB A GOOD MEAL ON THE WAY HOME ARE ABLE TO .DON'T JUST COMPLAIN, GOOD DEEDS NEED TO BE RECONIGNIZED TOO!!!! GREAT JOB!!!