Luke Tischler 19 months ago
you wanted a Review Corporate can Read? You Got it !
& given the bizarre and extreme circumstances, I promise this will be one, of Many ... Reviews ...
you Really should have let me finish my
French Fries before you so abruptly closed the store & threw me out for no reason ...
you see Old people, After we WORK 12 hours, Sometimes our Only Happiness is getting Fresh French Fries ... (and NOT having to eat them in the car they worked in all day ...)
Its a Thing ..
You need to Let people finish their meal !
- you don't just decide to Lock the Door and Throw people out ...
WHO TAUGHT You That ??
Your Not Managing a Home Depot ... its a Restaurant ...! and there are Human Beings Eating ...
what is WRONG with you ?!
That was Unwarranted, Downright Ghetto, Disrespectful & Rude !
you may be Able to treat the public poorly in small-town Alabama, but Don't try that in Texas, or California or Even Florida ...
people will talk,
your place will geta Bad name and no one will go there, or want to work there ..
Ive Lived in NEW YORK and people have never been that Rude to Sell Me Food inside and then magically decide the store is now closed and shoo everybody out at Exactly 11:00 o'clock on the second...
You-All need to teach your Millennials that people eating ina Restaurant are Not Computers ...
Let me start by saying I have over 20 years in The Restaurant Industry Both as a Delivery Driver, AND asa Manager,
All-Over this Great country.. and I Give credit where credit is due - but I Also Expose & shed light on Major. Major. Mistakes Made with the general public that are Absolutely Wrong, and Give everyone in the Restaurant Industry a Bad name ...(such as I have experienced at THIS very Location ... TONIGHT ! )
& to The Young Lady Manager that sold Me My Food at the counter, then ***decided to Lock the Door and Throw everybody out***,
you are a COLD, and Despicable Individual.
You are Heartless, Quick to Misjudge, and Lack All Human Compassion and have No Business working with the general public ...
Whomever Hired you should be Ashamed of themselves for hiring someone completely Devoid of Grace, Hospitality, and Class.
Just Because you see somebody who is Dirty, and Tired, and Sweaty FROM DELIVERING YOUR FOOD ALL NIGHT, you mis-judge them as Homeless and Throw them out of your Restaurant ??
That is How you Treat people who Deliver your Food ?
I ALREADY SEE How you Treat your employee ...
And Another Thing ...
The Attitude was Not warranted that you Gave your Very Professional, and Very Gracious young Male Employee that put together All of MY Orders with speed and Efficiency while you walked around in circles ...
Your Focus Asa Leader should be on HELPING the Team ... Not Questioning them or Holding them back ... or Hindering the Ones that you are Afraid are going to Take your Job Because THEY ARE BETTER at Customer Service than YOU are ... !
Trust Me, Anyone who has ever worked ina restaurant or fast food can Spot a Bad Manager, and an Environment made more stressful than it has to be ...
what a shame ...