BluesStringer 19 months ago
We use Winn-Dixie almost exclusively for their pharmacy. Most times, my co-pays are cheaper through their RX than my other choices. That's due, I'm pretty sure, to a combination of factors including their regular prices adjusted to the insurance company's pricing, adjusted for discount cards etc., and with my insurance and discounts, the bottom line price to me is almost always cheaper, so there ya go. That makes it impossible to predict how somebody else's prices might compare to mine though, with so many ways of applying insurance etc, so your results might be better or worse than mine.
The pharmacists/managers go out of their way as far as they can to the point that I often exclaim something like, "Wow, I thought it would be more than that!" Of course, they are controlled (for better or worse) by Winn-Dixie's policies and procedures, plus how well or poorly your insurance works with their pharmacies generally-speaking, so there are multiple potential obstacles to it working out as well for you as I perceive it working for me.
I pretty much only give reviews if what I have to say is positive. I don't see the point in giving a negative review about pricing or the service I received on a given visit. I'm getting old and slow. I have pain, sometimes very severe, and life gets progressively harder to maintain a positive attitude about. Nobody needs me to critique staff at whatever kind of Store, if all I've got say is a bunch of typical old-guy grumbling when it's quite possible that the employee(s) who bugged me have lives much harder than mine Tha brings them down while I can usually make jokes about some annoying circumstance that is jus part of daily life in America. If I can't make waiting on me a little bit humorous for someone having a bad day, then it's probably the case that were both worse off than usual, and it's for sure that grumbling and griping won't help either one of us, not to mention that it's possible that a really bad review could have really bad consequences for the worker(s) involved, and the last thing I want is to be responsible for someone getting fired or whatever just because I took the opportunity to grumble and gripe over how they were dealing with a hard life on that particular day. So don't worry, be happy! ????